My youngest daughter is 14 years old, and I fully plan to grab onto our time together and make this our best summer yet! Time slips away too quickly and I find if I am not intentional about making memories and having fun, I can waste away the days with constant work and getting things done.
And that is not the way I want to live my life.
And I imagine that you don’t either.
Here are some tips on having your best summer yet:
Invite your child’s friends over for the day. Yes, it’s messy. Yes, they eat a lot of food. And, yes, they are loud! But you are creating memories and getting to know the kids your child hangs out with. So this one is a double bonus!
Pay attention to events on Facebook. Often a fun opportunity pops up in my feed because a friend of mine clicks the “interested” button for an upcoming event. I am open to driving an hour or two for a unique experience. Be sure to mark the best ones on your calendar.
Look for free events. If I am going to spend more time doing activities with my daughter, I need some of it to be very affordable.
Talk to friends and find out what they are interested in doing over the summer. We know a family who loves to hang out at the public pool, and another family who loves hiking. I keep them in mind when we want to do those activities.
Know what is happening in your area. Most cities have a website with a calendar, and you can find what’s happening locally. Too often I miss out on what is right under my nose if I don’t check.
Just slow down. Stop, look and listen frequently. Quite often I find that the best memories are made in unexpected moments. It’s OK to take a break from work for a while because your child wants to play a game or spend time with you. Work will wait.
Say “yes” more often. I can often get into a “no” mode for a number of reasons: no money, no time, no desire. But my kids are old enough for me to know that we get one trip through this parenting adventure, and if I don’t grab onto it now it will disappear all too suddenly.
So, that is my plan.
I will be sharing our summer adventures here on the blog, and I would love to know what you are doing too. The more ideas we can share, the better!
How do you plan to have your best summer yet?