I love flipping furniture pieces! What a fun way to repurpose something that is bound for the trash or thrift store. Give me something in terrible shape, and I love bringing it back to life.
My favorite furniture flips (so far!) are all desks, tables, and chairs.
At some point I would love to come across a buffet or a large dresser to have some fun with. Taking out drawers and creating shelf space is a good way to turn hidden storage into decorative shelving. This technique really transforms a piece and allows you to add visual interest in your living space.
Chairs are simply fun! They are small and quick to paint, and changing out fabric seat covers is simple.
The only drawback to chairs is that I feel like I am wasting paint when I spray them since they are so many slats and openings to spray onto. Other than that they are great to work with.
Chairs can be used for seating, but also decoratively.
Painting a set of four chairs in different colors would make a great wall display (and they can still be used as seating when needed!). Painting a patio set was on my to-do list for this summer, but that idea is hopping over to next summer’s list since I am running out of time.
My very first furniture flip piece was this adorable desk that I was given for free (my favorite price!). I experimented with a shiny bar top, but I did not like it so I removed it and started over. Always remember with furniture flips it is fine to experiment. What you learn while making one piece will transfer over into future projects.
The Paint Color Dilemma
One area of disappointment for me has been with picking paint colors. I like playing around and creating unique pieces that probably do not work in everybody’s home. This translates over into my pieces taking a while to sell, but I have decided that is OK since one of my favorite parts of the whole process is the color. I just do not think that any of these would be as interesting in plain black or white, although they would sell quickly.
Right now I have a writer’s desk and a mid-mod desk all ready to start. My schedule has eased up a bit recently and I am VERY happy to say that I will be getting to these lovelies soon. And, of course, I will be telling you all about it soon.
If you have any questions about flipping furniture be sure to ask in the comments section or send me an email. I will help out any way that I can!
Have a happy day!