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  1. I am working on a sign project for my church. That will say The New Disciples of Christ church.I bought pre cut letter stencils from Walmart gonna try your dry brush technique to keep it from bleedin. We painted the plywood with a white exterior paint 3 coat’s. We are using a black exterior paint for the letters. Sadly we bought some Mod podge before seeing your page and have lost the receipt so can’t take it back. Thank’s for the tip. Suppose to rain next few day’s so will have to wait to try it out looking for success. Thank’s again.

  2. I tried your stencil by dabbing and it was a great tip!. But I did it after the fact of brushing heavily, (I’ll know next time) but when I removed the stencil after letting it dry, it peeled some of the chalk paint off and the original wood chair color came through, so will start over; so was wondering should I treat the chalk paint (paste wax, polycrylic or ????? before trying the stencil. Any suggestion would be appreciate

    1. I think it works best if you take the stencil off as soon as the paint is almost dry. That way it doesn’t stick.

      If I am not understanding your question, let me know! I want to help you troubleshoot this.

      Also, the initial layer of chalk paint needs to dry for at least 24 hours before stenciling on it.

      Randi 🙂

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